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Thinking Comfort Sleepers

Thinking Comfort Sleepers
Jacob  |  07.24.09  |  Furniture

We know it hardly seems possible, but we are already hurtling towards the end of summer…

With the end of summer comes, fall, and the holidays.   That can only mean one thing, Company!  Now is the time to start thinking about those holiday guests.  This might also be a great time to start thinking about a new Comfort Sleeper from American Leather.  Because our friends over at experience BiOH have posted a great post about American Leather we thought we would remind you of some of the amazing features in a Comfort Sleeper.

1.      When the bed is open, their patented mechanism takes up as much as 9 inches less floor space than a conventional sleeper leaving you with  more room for your guest’s comfort.

2.      The Comfort sleeper is the ONLY sleeper on the market with real size mattresses in King, Queen, Queen Plus, Full, Twin and Cot size! You can get whatever size fits best into your home and your regular sheets  and bedding will fit perfectly!

3.      The Comfort sleeper is a greener option as it is made with soy based foam from our friends BiOH. Again, check out the cool videos about American Leather on their site.

4.      The Comfort sleeper comes in leather, fabric, Ultrasuede or microfiber. Kid friendly, pet friendly choices plus Colors! Yeah!

5.      We know it can be tough getting furniture around tight stairs and through small doorways. The Comfort sleepers –even the queen size which come as small as 69 inches-can often fit because they disassemble! Our professional delivery crew will re-assemble them for you, of course, once it’s in your home!

You can see more here, and we hope you will stop in to see the complete collection of Comfort Sleepers at our Home & Office location: 3420 University Ave.

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