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Lights, Benches and Glasses, Oh My!

Lights, Benches and Glasses, Oh My!
Krista  |  05.26.11  |  Accessories, Interiors

I would like to consider myself a transparent person. I’m a terrible liar. I’m not very good at keeping secrets.  I don’t like to surprise even myself, and I prefer to be direct about the simple stuff.  For example, you will never guess what this post is about by just reading the title {insert sarcasm}.

When I started thinking about this blog, I decided to walk around the store and let myself be inspired by all my current favorite pieces (this is always a long list). I started out with a color intent in mind. Spring always has me thinking in terms of new colors, but this walk opened up my eyes to an entirely new interest- actually a few.

Whether it’s spring time, or just the beginning of a ‘nesting’ stage in my life, my eyes have been opened to my new loves in life- lights, benches and drinking glasses.  I found myself making a list of only these things.

So what do these things all have in common?  I try to reason with myself to determine that I’m not as scatterbrained as that sounds.  All of these things are small enough to carry, yet substantial enough that you really only need a few good ones.  This fits with the fine line I walk between being settled and not being ready to settle.

All of these things are accessories to give a room character-and simply put- I do love to accessorize.

All of these things can traverse rooms and specific purposes, and I thrive on versatility – Lamp on the desk or next to the bed – Bench as extra setting or a place to leave my bag – Glass for water or a toothbrush.  However, even with their adaptability, there is an earnest honesty to these items.  They are what they are, simple, timeless, useful.

So, really, there is some rhyme behind the reason- or at least that is what I will continue to tell myself …

It got me wondering what else the things I like say about me (besides that I have wonderful taste of course).  Form meets function in many Scandinavian designs, and what does a functional piece say about the person using it?  What fits your needs right now?  Are you drawn to it without even realizing it?  Why are your favorites, your favorites?  When it comes to making decisions about things you will enjoy for years to come, trust your gut, it might be more transparent than you think!

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