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Nut Bombs: A Mid-Morning Snack from Nordic Light

Nut Bombs: A Mid-Morning Snack from Nordic Light
Alice  |  06.19.17  |  Modern Life

Nordic Light: Lighter, everyday eating from a Scandinavian kitchenis a book to linger over. It’s two inspiring books in one: a photo essay and cookbook. The author, Simon Bajada, is an Australian native now based in Stockholm, and he brings fresh eyes to the subject.  His recipes feature ingredients favored by Scandinavian cooks.  Happily, many of those ingredients are readily available in most any respectable U.S. grocery store.

Nut Bombs, the first recipe I tried in Nordic Light, is a winner. Nut bombs are easy to make, delicious and nutritious. There is no added sugar in this recipe, which makes nut bombs a guilt-free anytime-of-the-day snack. The ingredients: whipped egg whites, chopped nuts, chopped dried fruit, hemp seeds, cinnamon and cardamon pack a nutritional punch. I won over my co-workers with a “bomb” rich in coconut.

Looking for visual and culinary inspiration?  Treat yourself to Nordic Light.

Purchase a copy of Nordic Light for your cookbook library.




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