The In Between series, created by Sami Kallio in 2013, features simple design rooted in traditional woodworking techniques. In Between takes inspiration from the Scandinavian heritage of design and furniture craftsmanship. A form-pressed wood veneer seat feels smooth and comfortable, while the solid wood frame feels stable. Swooping, organic lines keep this modern stool feeling light and airy despite it’s sturdy build. Choose from a handful of warm wood tones and two heights.
Design by Sami Kallio, 2017
In Between Stool
In stock
Counter stool: 22.8″W x 21.2″D x 36.2″H / 25.6″SH
Bar stool: 22.8″W x 21.2″D x 40.2″H / 30.2″SH
Solid wood
Form-pressed veneer